When you start to think about fitness and nutrition it’s easy to get carried away with the comparison game or the dreaded should’s.  “We need to be doing what this person is doing or we’re a failure”, “I should have worked out longer”, “If I can’t go hard the whole workout I might as well quit now”, “I should eat less sugar”, “I should eat more veggies”, “If I eat exactly like {insert name here} I will look just like they do”  Any of these phrases sound familiar?

When it comes to nutrition and fitness we are all on our own level.  Some may be level 3, while others are level 1.  We need to identify where we are currently to begin to appreciate what we are doing right and how far we have come!  Most people don’t go from eating spaghetti noodles to spaghetti squash/veggie noodles overnight.  It takes time to “graduate” to that next level.  Yes some of us can easily transition right away, but most of us need more time to convince our minds and taste buds that this is what we want.  There is nothing wrong with starting out slowly.  It takes time to find those good recipes for the veggies we want to start eating more of and lots of trial and error.  But eventually, you will find your favorite recipes and ways to prepare your meals that are enjoyable and fulfilling to you!

Now as far as fitness, I don’t know about you but I didn’t wake up one day and decide to go out for a 26.2 mile run.  I had to take the time to work my body up slowly to running that long.  If I hadn’t I would have been in a whole lot of pain.  There are plenty of people we see at the gym or outdoors doing things that make us think, “If they can do it, so can I.” Have you ever stepped back to consider how long they have been working at or towards that level?  Just because they make it look easy, doesn’t always mean it’s going to be easy.  Be patient with yourself, let your body take the time to gain the necessary strength for the task at hand.  Most importantly remember to celebrate small wins!